Thursday, September 26, 2013

Abby's Sweater - A Whole New Venture

I have never attempted to make clothing before.  Hats and scarfs and cowls yet but a whole sweater with arms and buttons seems like a stretch for me.  But it's going really well and I am proud of the progress that I have made so far.

Let me know if you just have to have one of these cause I can hook you up.  It will come in little girls sizes 12 month to 3T.  It's absolutely adorable.  If you think that you want to try and make one on your own the pattern can be found at If you would rather pay for someone else to do it comment here or get me over at Etsy Shop AntiJolly and I can set you up with a custom purchase just for you!

If you head over to my Etsy shop look for the coupon code that I have up right now.  It would save you 25%!!! That is like FREE SHIPPING on most of my stuff.

Here is the bottom portion as it is being worked on:

Thanks for taking a look,

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